Thursday, January 1, 2015

Thalaimuraigal - Culture and Values. A Salute to Balu Mahendra sir


A grandfather touch in the movie. A grandfather who is so conserve and very orthadox. Changes or adjust his emotions by his grandson touch. The film say that one should not forget about the culture though he is born in a inter cast family.

The grandson teaches English and Reversal Grandfather(Balu Mahendra) teaches him Tamil its importance and our culture. Even the small the thing would tell a story in Balu Mahendra's movie being his last directorial touch the camera and Cinematography has been handled perfectly. 

Now a days in this modern world children are missing the grandparents touch, as most of them are tuned to city and abroad life. Each children of our generations should know the importance of our rituals and mother tongue. 

Really the bond between grandfather and grandson is touching our hearts. Such movies should be recognized and should be screened in our film festival. 

As Balu mahendra sir says what ever the trend changes a masterpiece works will speak through out his life.

We say Village but this film show what village can teach you and what you give them back will be returned to you with love and emotions.

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